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by Kim Garmon Hummel

With the age of the internet, we’ve all become self-diagnosing doctors with medical degrees from Google, right? We are able to search out our symptoms and try to self-medicate, self-prescribe...maybe even self-destruct. When we finally seek out medical help we’ve either worked ourselves into a tizzy about the “worst case

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Topics:Sales EnablementCompany CultureSmall Business

by Kim Garmon Hummel

If you’ve been in the B2B space for any time at all, you’ve likely heard the term "RevOps". In the past few years It's become what can seem like trending jargon. Having seemingly become a buzzword, it has many business leaders wondering “What is RevOps?", "Is RevOps just a fad?”,

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Topics:RevOpsCustomer ExperienceSales EnablementB2B MarketingSales StrategyRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

So, you want to grow your business. That’s a fantastic goal! In our experience, growth goals won’t get very far without a strategy. Developing a growth strategy may seem like a daunting task, but with an effective B2B Marketing team at your side, the process is so much easier. One

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Topics:HubSpot CRMInbound MarketingCustomer ExperienceSales EnablementRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

When your sales team closes a deal with a customer, it’s easy to think that’s the end of this buyer’s journey. The customer purchased what they wanted, and your sales team scored. Everybody wins, right? Time to move on to make a new customer! In reality, sales teams are missing

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Topics:Sales EnablementB2B SalesSales StrategyRead

by Shawn Karol Sandy

As a seller, I’ve had the opportunity to experience some fantastic sales training and SKOs (Sales Kick Off meetings) and I’ve also experienced some really terrible ones. The terrible ones stick with me as I think about the tremendous cost per hour to have your sellers all in one room

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Topics:Sales EnablementLeadershipProfessional Development

by Shawn Karol Sandy

I hear sellers and business owners tell me they “Don’t want to be too pushy” at least 5 times a week. Trust me, if you have to say that, you’ve never been “too pushy”. Many of us have had negative experiences with salespeople that have a bulldozer mentality. They’re not

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Topics:Sales EnablementB2B SalesProspectingCommunicationSales StrategySellingSmall Business

by Kim Garmon Hummel

What is sales alignment? Sales alignment is sales sharing. It’s all about communicating clearer, strategizing together, and setting goals. That way, all of your teams are on the same page and work towards a common, unified mission. Sales alignment can help your business close more deals, build stronger marketing and

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Topics:HubSpot CRMSales EnablementCompany Culture

by Shawn Karol Sandy

About a year ago, I researched some software to execute some processes in my business. This was a significant investment for me—more so in scaling my business than in price—it was an important decision. Between three options, I chose the one that had the best features for me and the

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Topics:Customer ExperienceSales EnablementCommunicationSales StrategySelling

by Shawn Karol Sandy

It’s a brand spanky New Year. As most people are, you’re probably pumped to put the last year behind you. The New Year always feels like a clean slate—full of promise and possibilities. Many of you may have plotted out budgets, planned expenses, or set goals and perhaps cemented your

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Topics:Sales EnablementB2B SalesCommunicationSales StrategySelling

by Kim Garmon Hummel

It’s easy for even the best business leaders to conflate sales and marketing as one thing. But they’re not. Sales and marketing are two separate functions within a business, but they share the same goal: to boost leads and revenue! What is sales? This may seem like a no-brainer, but

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Topics:RevOpsInbound MarketingSales EnablementRead

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