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by Kim Garmon Hummel

As A Business Owner, Why Should You Use Instagram? Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It’s engaging, it’s interactive, and it’s where a lot of people spend their time. Think of Instagram as a dynamic billboard located on one of the most widely-trafficked

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Topics:AdvertisingSocial Media Marketing

by Kim Garmon Hummel

We’re talking money here, folks. TikTok doesn’t pay its creators fairly. This is a choice in stark contrast with competitors like YouTube, who (in most cases) pay their creators fairly. This blog was inspired by Hank Green’s video about TikTok. You can watch it here. Right now, TikTok is a

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Topics:Customer ExperienceContent CreationSocial Media Marketing

by Kim Garmon Hummel

TikTok. Or as I like to call it, Gen Z’s MySpace. And I mean that as a compliment! For all its flaws, Myspace offered meaningful personalization, customization, and engagement in ways social media left behind. It was the place to be with the tools to make it your own. That’s

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Topics:Social Media MarketingRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

♩With a hashtag here, And a hashtag there, Here a hashtag, there a hashtag, Everywhere a hashtag, All the posts have a hashtag (E-I-E-I-O)! ♩ If you’re using social media (and you really should be), and you’re not using hashtags on your posts then you really, really should be! Hashtags

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Topics:Content CreationSocial Media MarketingRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Instagram is an amazing way to increase your reach to new audiences and garner more traffic for your company. It’s one of the easiest ways to spread your brand’s message through hashtags and quick snapshots of your products, services, customers, company culture, and everything in between! One of the best

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Topics:Social Media Marketing

by Kim Garmon Hummel

In case you've been living under a rock and haven't heard, Instagram is a big deal. Since its beginning in 2010, Instagram has grown exponentially, boasting 300 million users (75 million of whom use the app daily), 90% of whom are under the age of 35. Additionally, users spend an

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Topics:Social Media Marketing

by Kim Garmon Hummel

First, I must apologize to those of you who were expecting this post last week. We had an amazing opportunity come our way and I wasn’t able to sit down and write last week but, as some would say, better late than never, right? So, as promised, I’d like to

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Topics:Social Media Marketing

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