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by Kim Garmon Hummel

The experience your customers have on your website directly influences whether or not they choose to commit to your business or products. More often than not, customers browse and buy on mobile devices. Your website, content, and media need to be optimized for mobile users. Think about what happens when

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Topics:BrandingWeb DesignRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

The internet has lost focus on the user experience. Advertising has reached a fulcrum, if not a full-blown conflict. Invasive ads and tracking require permissions on nearly every site we visit! Each page visit morphs into a constant back and forth of permission forms and pop-ups. The current browsing experience

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Topics:Web DesignHubSpot CRMRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

What does it mean to hook your hero? A story without conflict is not a story at all. People do not take action unless they are challenged to take action. Your brand needs to address this conflict in an empathetic manner, display authority with a clear solution, and offer reciprocal

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Topics:BrandingStoryBrandSales EnablementRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

In today’s market, customers expect more from brands and companies. Customers expect story, service, and security first and foremost. Companies that effectively communicate authentic core values help consumers stay true to their own. Traditional advertising is dead. Good riddance! To cut through the noise and reach the people that need

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