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by Shawn Karol Sandy

When brand awareness (aka demand generation) is low, most businesses turn to social media channels as their tool of choice. And let's be real here, it's a smart move. Social media channels help you reach your audience and put your business in the social spotlight. But, and this is a

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Topics:Professional DevelopmentGrowing Small BusinessEntrepreneurSocial Media

by Shawn Karol Sandy

This past week, I’ve been evaluating some options for a client to pair the outside sales team we’re building with an inside sales team to do heavy prospecting and lead generation for one of the product areas that has a very large prospect base. If you’ve been on the internet

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Topics:B2B SalesProspectingProfessional DevelopmentCommunicationSales StrategySellingSmall Business

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Last week, I had two instances where sales reps contacted me to try to sell me a product. In both cases, each rep was certain I needed their subscription software. Both of their general sales rational were that other businesses found their product helpful and the features were great and

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Topics:ProspectingProfessional DevelopmentCommunicationSales StrategySales Trainer

by Shawn Karol Sandy

When is the last time a stranger surprised you? Made you stop in your tracks, jerked you out of your “zone” and piqued your interest? Every once in a GREAT while, I get a cold call from a sales pro that really makes me stop and listen for at least

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Topics:B2B SalesProfessional DevelopmentCommunicationSales StrategyRead

by Shawn Karol Sandy

At a friend’s recommendation a while back, I read a short but poignant book by Jon Gordon: Training Camp, A Fable About Excellence. You may recognize his name from one of his many other books, such as The Energy Bus, The Carpenter, and The Positive Dog. Jon has a gift

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Topics:LeadershipProfessional DevelopmentBusiness Developmentbe better in businessGame DayAccountability

by Shawn Karol Sandy

The question I ask sellers and business owners most often is: “What’s the biggest obstacle to where you are now and achieving your sales goals?” What does your gut tell you is the most popular response? What would you say? Here are their answers in descending order: 3rd most common

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Topics:Professional DevelopmentCommunicationSmall Business

by Shawn Karol Sandy

In an interview by Paul Watts for his show Sales Reinvented Podcast he asked me, “What’s one thing you wish you knew earlier in your sales career?” My answer: “I wish I would have known to be more hardcore at pre-qualifying.” Yup. Pre-qualifying prospects is critical and when I think

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Topics:Professional DevelopmentSales StrategySellingSmall Business

by Shawn Karol Sandy

I just came back from a phenomenal sales conference with my peer group, the Women Sales Pros. We have a public half-day conference and then two days of our private group learning and growing through shared expertise. It was my privilege to be tapped for a first-time session of “Cold

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Topics:LeadershipProfessional DevelopmentCommunicationSales Strategy

by Shawn Karol Sandy

By the time a business hires me to assist with the sales program, they’re pretty frustrated. They’ve had sales growth and sales success but can’t seem to replicate or scale those efforts with sales hires. If this feels painfully familiar, you’re not alone. But it doesn’t mean you’re in good

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Topics:LeadershipProfessional DevelopmentCompany CultureSmall Business

by Shawn Karol Sandy

As a seller, I’ve had the opportunity to experience some fantastic sales training and SKOs (Sales Kick Off meetings) and I’ve also experienced some really terrible ones. The terrible ones stick with me as I think about the tremendous cost per hour to have your sellers all in one room

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Topics:Sales EnablementLeadershipProfessional Development

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