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by Kim Garmon Hummel

It's not enough for a website to be pretty. It has to work for your business which means it has to work for your customers. If your customers aren’t happy with what you offer, they leave. No revenue means no business. Thankfully more and more businesses are moving away from

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Topics:Customer ExperienceBuyer PersonaCustomer JourneyReadData That Drives

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Here’s a short and simple thought for you to contemplate this week. You thought you knew the answer to this question.Your company may have trained you on this. You may have thought the answer was obvious. But that was before this pandemic forced us into a hurried change in how,

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Topics:Sales StrategySales TrainerGrowing Small Business

by Kim Garmon Hummel

♩With a hashtag here, And a hashtag there, Here a hashtag, there a hashtag, Everywhere a hashtag, All the posts have a hashtag (E-I-E-I-O)! ♩ If you’re using social media (and you really should be), and you’re not using hashtags on your posts then you really, really should be! Hashtags

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Topics:Content CreationSocial Media MarketingRead

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