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by Kim Garmon Hummel

What is a Pillar Page? In the ever-evolving world of content marketing and SEO, pillar pages have emerged as a cornerstone strategy for boosting visibility and structuring website content effectively. A pillar page is a comprehensive, authoritative page on a website that covers a broad topic in depth and links

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Topics:SEOContent CreationContent MarketingContentUser Experience

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Have you ever heard of kudzu? If you’ve driven through the Southeastern parts of the US, you’ve probably seen kudzu. It’s an Asian vine introduced to the US and branded in the 1930s and 40s as a way for farmers to control erosion and introduce nitrogen to their soil. You

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Topics:Email MarketingProspectingCommunicationSales TrainerContent MarketingGrowing Small Business

by Shawn Karol Sandy

We have come to expect a certain level of value when we surrender our email address to a company and expect some unwritten (and also written) rules to be followed and a significant exchange of something worthwhile to us in response to handing over our email address. Email marketing is

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Topics:Email MarketingAudience DevelopmentConversionContent MarketingGrowing Small Business

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Browsing twitter and the 10 millionth “women in business” blog, I think my eyeballs might just roll out of my head if I read one more person’s bio about how revolutionary (but yet mind-blowingly simple) their marketing plan is for your business. It seems like 1 out of 10 websites

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Topics:Email MarketingB2B MarketingContent Marketing

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