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by Shawn Karol Sandy

There is a predictable pattern to the evolution of a small business’ sales progress—starting with those scrappy bootstrapping days of a business starting up—to achieving growth and success. Along the way you realize that scaling means producing consistent sales results and needs a concerted team, structure, tools, and metrics and,

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Topics:B2B SalesSales ConsultantSales TrainerSales PerformanceSystems That ScaleTraining That Transforms

by Shawn Karol Sandy

One of my earliest memories of the power of practice, repetition, and reinforcement was learning to tie my shoes. My favorite Aunt was babysitting me and helping me learn and practice my new skill. She had me tie all the shoes in our family of 5’s shoe closet several times

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Topics:B2B SalesSales ConsultantSales TrainerSales ExpertTraining That Transforms

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Normally, feedback on a stage is a terrible, annoying thing. Audio feedback occurs when a sound loop exists between an audio input and an audio output. That shrill noise is loud and piercing. Performance feedback, however, is a gift. Opportunities to receive feedback on our performance are sometimes designed in

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Topics:Professional DevelopmentCommunicationSellingSales Consultant

by Shawn Karol Sandy

That was a special Mother’s Day! Unique, for sure. Remembering this special experience from a few years ago: No sleeping in, breakfast in bed, or brunch this year. This year we were out the door before school bus time and on our way to a special experience at FedEx. Me

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Topics:LeadershipProfessional DevelopmentCommunicationSales Consultant

by Kim Garmon Hummel

"Let's grab coffee" was the subject line of the message I received on LinkedIn. The sender wrote, "I'm new to my position here at XYZ Company, I saw your profile and hoped we could get to know one another." Since coffee happens to be one of my BFF's, and since

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Topics:RevOpsSales StrategySellingSales Consultant

by Shawn Karol Sandy

I realized we’ve struck a nerve with this series, Selling for Non-Sales People. When I mention we’ve rolled out an intensive coaching program, the response is to grab my arm and say “YES! I NEED THIS” with giant eyes and emphatic jerking on my arm. The response in the first

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Topics:Sales StrategySellingSales ConsultantSmall Business

by Shawn Karol Sandy

More and more when I meet business owners at conferences or events and exchange introductions, the conversation quickly turns to “selling” for the owner and how difficult it is for them. Most often, they say, “I just don’t have enough time to get out there and sell.” But what I

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Topics:Sales StrategySellingSales ConsultantSmall Business

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Now, in this moment, if you’re not innovating in your business, your business is dying. Innovation is one word that sums up the need to grow, change, progress forward, anticipate, forecast to meet the needs and actions of the markets and consumers we serve. It’s a buzz word right now

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Topics:LeadershipSales ConsultantSales TrainerBusiness GrowthConsultant

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