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Request A Call

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Sometimes hard problems can have easy answers. Well, simple perhaps, because it requires effort and work. Sometimes, as an Account Executive or Business Development Rep, the grind of prospecting and pipelining new opportunities made me feel like Fred Baker from those old Dunkin’ Donuts commercials where he zombies about saying,

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Topics:Sales TrainerBusiness DevelopmentCold CallingAccount Executive

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Last week I decided to try something new with my sellers. I recognize this look of exasperation when I ask my sellers about their latest selling activity: prospecting, pre-qualifying, meetings, etc. For Account Executives or Account Managers, making time for Business Development can be incredibly tough with all they have

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Topics:Sales StrategyBusiness DevelopmentAccount ManagementAccount Executive

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Did you ever have one of those terrible professors or teachers in school—the ones that droned on and on about chemistry or Shakespeare or whatever? The ones that sucked all the enjoyment out of the topic, put you to sleep or or left you feeling like you wasted your time?

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Topics:ProspectingProfessional DevelopmentSales TrainerAccount ExecutiveBuyersBuyer Journey

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