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by Kim Garmon Hummel

Traditional ways of tracking and reporting don’t align your teams and increase revenue. If anything, the old way of doing things leads to stagnation and stunted growth. Instead of guessing what works and hoping for the best, you can rely on strong tracking and reporting tools to build informed arguments,

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Topics:RevOpsHubSpot CRMProject Management Software

by Kim Garmon Hummel

What is sales alignment? Sales alignment is sales sharing. It’s all about communicating clearer, strategizing together, and setting goals. That way, all of your teams are on the same page and work towards a common, unified mission. Sales alignment can help your business close more deals, build stronger marketing and

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Topics:HubSpot CRMSales EnablementCompany Culture

by Kim Garmon Hummel

It costs nearly seven times more money to attract and convert new customers than it does to delight existing customers. That’s it, that’s the blog. Now you know why customer delight is so important. Thank you for coming! All joking aside, delighting your customers saves you money. It saves you

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Topics:HubSpot CRMInbound Marketing

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Growing is hard. Sometimes, you grow in unexpected ways. Maybe that’s fine and everything works. But what if your patchwork plan doesn’t pan out exactly how you thought? What happened? What did you do wrong? And more importantly, how could you have grown smarter? In this blog, we’ll break down

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Topics:HubSpot CRMInbound Marketing

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Marketing is more important than ever. The technology required to get ahead is even more vital. With all of the options to choose from, it can be difficult to identify which technology adds meaningful value to your workflow! If you’re not careful, you’ll end up bloated with software solutions that

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Topics:RevOpsHubSpot CRMInbound MarketingSales EnablementRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

It’s 2021. Marketing has changed. Our entire world has changed. Consumers are smarter, busier, and challenged like never before. That means they live and function in an ocean of increasingly growing choices and advertisement noise. Instead of contributing to that noise, which confuses and loses customers, why not appeal to

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Topics:HubSpot CRMInbound MarketingCustomer ExperienceSales Enablement

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Growing has its pains. Sales enablement eases them. We know how difficult business growth can be. It’s why we work with clients of all sizes to identify and implement strategies to grow smarter. The goal is to make business growth as painless as possible! After all, you have a business

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Topics:RevOpsHubSpot CRMSales EnablementCompany Culture

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Think of sales and marketing as the gasoline and lubricant to a car engine. A healthy sales department fuels the entire company to grow and prosper. But without an aligned marketing team, your sales department has no one to sell to. That’s when smart marketing practices and collateral bolster your

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Topics:RevOpsHubSpot CRMSales EnablementCompany CultureRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Hard work for the sake of hard work is a losing strategy. You are not in the business of struggling—you want to succeed by building a sustainable, scalable business that serves your customers. The big trap marketers from all over fall into is trying to service everyone. Don’t do it!

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Topics:HubSpot CRMStoryBrandRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Yes, it can be done. You can integrate HubSpot and WordPress! The all-in-one, updated tools of HubSpot with the highly customizable building of WordPress. We have clients right now leveraging WordPress and HubSpot to their fullest potential. From designing beautiful, custom websites to developing leads and delighting, they’re getting it

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Topics:Web DesignHubSpot CRMWordpressWebsites That WowRead

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