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by Kim Garmon Hummel

Would you believe me if I told you that the brain can detect grammar errors even when you're unaware? What about this: our brains are also hardwired to make grammar mistakes. That’s right—go ahead and forward this article over to your boss to explain the reasoning behind last week’s embarrassing

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Topics:StoryBrandContent CreationCommunication

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Hard work for the sake of hard work is a losing strategy. You are not in the business of struggling—you want to succeed by building a sustainable, scalable business that serves your customers. The big trap marketers from all over fall into is trying to service everyone. Don’t do it!

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Topics:HubSpot CRMStoryBrandRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Customers need a reason to do business with you. Generally, that reason is to solve a problem. As your prospects move through the decision-making process, they research how to solve their problem through a purchase. They'll ask the following questions: Where does your product or service take me? Where will

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Topics:StoryBrandCommunicationStories That SellBuyer Journey

by Kim Garmon Hummel

We’re thrilled to announce that Sauce Agency is officially a Certified StoryBrand Agency! Digital marketing is constantly evolving. At every turn, there are new, overwhelming methods and strategies to choose from. Here at Sauce Agency, we know you want to be confident about your digital marketing strategy. After all, you

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Topics:BrandingStoryBrandInbound MarketingContent Creation

by Kim Garmon Hummel

There are two types of customers: people convinced to buy or people to convince. Think about your website as it is right now. What is it you want your customers to do? Buy a product or service? Sign-up for a newsletter? You customers need direction to take action. Is the

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by Kim Garmon Hummel

What does it mean to hook your hero? A story without conflict is not a story at all. People do not take action unless they are challenged to take action. Your brand needs to address this conflict in an empathetic manner, display authority with a clear solution, and offer reciprocal

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Topics:BrandingStoryBrandSales EnablementRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

In today’s market, customers expect more from brands and companies. Customers expect story, service, and security first and foremost. Companies that effectively communicate authentic core values help consumers stay true to their own. Traditional advertising is dead. Good riddance! To cut through the noise and reach the people that need

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by Kim Garmon Hummel

How your brand sounds is the difference between success and failure. One way to ensure that your company is more than just a name or a logo is through storytelling. Sadly, businesses forget to consider the person that matters most in your brand—the customer. If you fail to place your

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Topics:StoryBrandStories That SellMessagingBrand

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Every brand is a story—hopefully a Story That Sells. Building your brand’s story is crucial to future-proofed success. After all, you have seven seconds or less to make a first impression. Make it count. Sometimes, putting yourself in your customer’s shoes is a challenge. It happens to the best of

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Topics:StoryBrandContent CreationRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

One way to ensure that your company is more than just a name or a logo is through the messaging. Adding personality and flair to your brand makes it stand out from the crowd. Oftentimes brands forget to grasp a clear voice and tone for which they market themselves. Customers

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Topics:BrandingStoryBrandContent CreationRead

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