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by Kim Garmon Hummel

We made it! I am so proud of each and every one of us; we made it to the end of 2020. A year that will live in infamy. And while you probably didn't wake up this morning and ask yourself, Gee, I wonder what Sauce Agency's most read blog

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Topics:Web DesignHubSpot CRMInbound MarketingContent Creation

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Resolutions. People either love them or hate them. January 1st is just another day to many people, much like a Monday. Regardless of how you feel about fresh starts on the first day of the year, revisiting your business goals annually (semi-annually and quarterly as well) is vital to business

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Topics:Content CreationLeadershipProfessional DevelopmentCompany Culture

by Kim Garmon Hummel

A website is the single most important sales and marketing tool your business can have. But what is it worth? How much does it cost or better yet, how much should it cost for your business to get the most out of it? The cost of a website is a

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Topics:Web DesignContent Creation

by Kim Garmon Hummel

One way to ensure that your company is more than just a name or a logo is through the messaging. Adding personality and flair to your brand makes it stand out from the crowd. Oftentimes brands forget to grasp a clear voice and tone for which they market themselves. Customers

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Topics:BrandingStoryBrandContent CreationRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

So, you’re thinking about starting a podcast and don’t know where to begin. If you’re anything like me, you might be intimidated by how many wildly popular podcasts already exist and wonder if you would have anything new to add to the conversation. I’d go so far to say that

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Topics:BrandingPodcastContent Creation

by Kim Garmon Hummel

♩With a hashtag here, And a hashtag there, Here a hashtag, there a hashtag, Everywhere a hashtag, All the posts have a hashtag (E-I-E-I-O)! ♩ If you’re using social media (and you really should be), and you’re not using hashtags on your posts then you really, really should be! Hashtags

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Topics:Content CreationSocial Media MarketingRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

When it comes to the content on your website, delivering the right message to your consumers is paramount in winning them over to your products or services. Boasting great content on your website determines the success you will have online—design, visuals, videos all come secondary to selling your brand to

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Topics:Web DesignContent CreationStories That SellMessaging

by Kim Garmon Hummel

A landing page is a page with one purpose: to convert visitors into leads. Unlike a traditional webpage, a landing page removes all distractions, including the navigation menu, links to additional information and even Calls to Action (CTAs) to other content. This allows you to guide the visitor to what

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Topics:Web DesignCustomer ExperienceContent CreationCustomer JourneyDo

by Kim Garmon Hummel

So You Want To Write Your Own Blogs? Writing blog posts for your website is a great tactic for inbound marketing. These days, people are scouring the internet for answers to their problems. Writing blogs that provide that information brings them to your website and builds up your authority as

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Topics:Inbound MarketingSEOContent CreationCommunicationRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

Let’s face facts: having an online presence for your business is an absolute must. Without a website, your opportunities to spread awareness and build your clientele base is seriously limited. When faced with designing a website, many immediately think of how time-consuming and frustrating the process can be—not to mention

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Topics:Web DesignContent CreationGrowth Driven DesignWebsites That WowRead

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