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by Shawn Karol Sandy

If you are in sales (and if you are a business owner you ARE in sales) you have probably heard over and over “the fortune is in the follow up.” We know we have to follow up… but how? If you're running a business you're already wearing multiple hats, changing

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Topics:RevOpsB2B SalesSales StrategyRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

That sounds asinine, doesn't it? Well, it's not... Here's the trick...Stop selling and start HELPING. You might be thinking, "but Kim, help is a 4-letter word in sales?!?" (You might also be wondering what becoming a LION has to do with anything, and I'll get to that later in the

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Topics:RevOpsCustomer ExperienceSales EnablementRead

by Kim Garmon Hummel

"Let's grab coffee" was the subject line of the message I received on LinkedIn. The sender wrote, "I'm new to my position here at XYZ Company, I saw your profile and hoped we could get to know one another." Since coffee happens to be one of my BFF's, and since

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Topics:RevOpsSales StrategySellingSales Consultant

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Last week, visiting my husband’s office, I was making small talk with one of his patients in the waiting area and discovered she worked for an attorney. I mentioned that sometimes my clients need some legal guidance and asked what their practice specialized in. Her response was “We do mortgages

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Topics:RevOpsLeadershipCommunicationCompany Culture

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