3 Keys to Successful Selling for Non Sales People (Part 2)
Last post we started the series Selling for Non-Sales People to give a framework and roadmap for those of you who may be business owners, bankers, lawyers, consultants, fundraisers, directors, or anyone who doesn’t have the term “Sales Pro” in their professional title.
Everyone is in sales in some capacity.
Selling ideas, services, influence, or products. No matter what you’re selling, in order to be successful, the first step is to embrace this reality and say “Yes, I AM Selling.”
If you recoil a little or shuddered still, you may have some “shifting” yet to do to really believe that selling is an important process and the first place we add value to our audience’s buying experience.
Selling is, quite simply, articulating the value you offer, in context to your audience.
So to prepare your strategy, your focus needs to drill down intently on how, what, and where, you communicate with your potential customers, your “audience.”
Successful Selling for Non-Sales People
If you want to get the full context of this 3-part series, check out the first and third parts of this series here:
Part 2: Creating A Strong Strategy
The best way to help people make decisions and buy YOU, is to show people how you’re different.
The way we make decisions is by understanding the differences between our choices. If you make it clear to your audience how you, your ideas, expertise, solutions, or products differ from your competitors (and PLEASE, if you’re focusing on PRICE as your differentiator, re-think that one).
- Perhaps it’s the custom experience you deliver that makes you unique
- Or you’re a Non-profit and donations go directly towards programs
- Maybe you’re an attorney that specializes in international manufacturing partnership agreements
- Or, you’re a physician that focuses on emotional well being alongside physical health
There are hundreds of ways you can showcase what makes you unique. Make sure you’re being clear through all your communication and channels where your customers are looking at you or looking for solutions.
Once you’re clear about what makes you different, you need to
Find where your customers are searching for answers or solutions
- What questions do your customers need answered?
- How do they form their questions?
- Where are they sourcing insights, such as reviews, referrals, opinions?
- Where do they go to meet suppliers, vendors, or experts?
Knowing where and how your customers seek out answers is key to your sales strategy. Showing up and articulating your differences is how you connect and where you have opportunities to influence and compel. Think about the places you need to find your audience and show up.
- Does your website SEO reflect the words people use to describe their problems?
- Are you being visible, vocal, and valuable in the social media channels your audience uses most frequently?
- Do you contribute and participate in groups, chats, or forums that offer insights and expertise to your future customers?
- Are you attending conferences, events, or speaking at industry meet-ups that your clients are frequenting?
Once you find your future customers, donors, influencers, and audience, Selling to them is all about
Connecting with your prospects profoundly
It’s in bad form to show up and promote, promote, promote, or ask for business right away. Without establishing trust and credibility, you might never be able to build a long term relationship that leads to referrals and rave reviews. How do you connect profoundly with your desired clients?
- Be clear and transparent in your communication
- Articulate your core values throughout all their interactions with you and your company
- Empathize with their difficulties – talent problems, cash flow, too much to do, complex decisions
- Speak in their terms, use their language - not yours, demonstrating you understand their world
- Relate results you produce in context to what’s relevant to them
Don’t blend in with your competitors
Make it easy for your ideal customers to choose you! Selling really IS a competitive advantage if you build a smart and compelling strategy to differentiate yourself and connect profoundly where your customers are looking for solutions. (And, PS - we know a thing or too about making it easy for your customers to clearly understand WHY they should choose you. Take a peek at our Stories that Sell solution...)