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by Shawn Karol Sandy

Right about this time of year, my husband gets a bit giddy and you’ll hear him humming, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” No, he’s not an early Christmas shopper—his glee is boiling over because it’s FOOTBALL SEASON again! Between now and pretty much the Super Bowl, there

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Topics:CommunicationBusiness Leader

by Shawn Karol Sandy

There are just a few weeks between now and next year. While friends and family, celebrations and personal reflection are all a major part of the end of each year, this is still a critical time for business. Don’t mistake “Winding Down” for rolling over and “Playing Dead.” For Business

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Topics:Business GrowthBusiness Leader

by Shawn Karol Sandy

Have you ever met someone new and began to think about people that you can connect them to, potential clients, alliances or new markets for them? What do you do with those insights? Why would they listen to you? How do you leverage good ideas? I’m often in this situation

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Topics:Customer ExperienceProfessional DevelopmentSales StrategyBusiness Leader

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