The Sauce

Unlock the Power of Account-Based BizDev Using A Science-Driven Approach

Written by Kim Garmon Hummel | Aug 29, 2024 8:49:10 PM

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Imagine this: you’re sitting in a meeting with your team, brainstorming ways to land that dream client you’ve been eyeing for months. You know the one—they’re the kind of client that would take your business to the next level. But here’s the thing: the usual marketing tactics just won’t cut it. You need something special, something that speaks directly to them.

This is where Account-Based BIzDev (Sometimes called Account Based Marketing or ABM) comes in—a strategy that’s not just about casting a wide net but about handpicking the accounts that matter most and crafting a message that resonates deeply.

At Sauce Agency, we’ve mastered the art and science of ABM. And when we say “science,” we mean it. We’re talking all the "ologies" working together to create campaigns that are not only effective but also human. So, let’s dive in and explore how you can use these principles to create an ABM strategy that hits the mark.

1. Targeting with Precision: The Human-Centric Approach

Imagine trying to have a conversation with someone you don’t really know. It’s awkward, right? Now think about how different it feels when you know what makes them tick—their interests, their challenges, what keeps them up at night. That’s the power of understanding your target accounts on a human level.

The Science:

We start by getting into the minds of the decision-makers. What motivates them? What are their pain points? By answering these questions, we can craft messages that feel like they were written just for them.

But it’s not just about the individuals. We dig into the culture of the organization—what they value, how they operate—so our messaging aligns perfectly with their world.

Actionable Tip: Create buyer personas that go beyond demographics. Dive deep into the psychology and culture of your target accounts, and you’ll be able to craft outreach strategies that connect on a personal level.

2. Personalized Outreach: Crafting Impactful Messages

Let’s say you’ve got that dream client’s attention. Now what? You need to make every word count. But how do you do that? By personalizing your approach so it feels like a conversation, not a sales pitch.

The Science:

We’re all wired to respond to things that feel personal. That’s why we craft messages that speak directly to the challenges each account faces, making them feel understood and valued.

Timing is everything. We’ve all experienced the frustration of emails that land in our inbox at the worst possible time. By understanding when your prospects are most likely to engage, you can ensure your messages hit home.

Actionable Tip: Combine personalized emails, thoughtful phone calls, and strategic LinkedIn connections to create a sequence that builds rapport and trust with each interaction.

3. Multi-Touchpoint Engagement: Building Trust and Authority

Think about the last time you made a big decision. Chances are, you didn’t rely on just one source of information. You did your research, consulted experts, and weighed your options. Your prospects are no different.

The Science:

Social proof is a powerful thing. When prospects see that others in their industry trust you, it boosts your credibility. That’s why we use testimonials, case studies, and success stories to show that we’re not just talking the talk—we’re walking the walk.

Every industry has its own way of doing things. We make sure our approach fits seamlessly into the norms and expectations of the target account’s world.

Actionable Tip: Engage prospects across multiple channels—emails, phone calls, social media, you name it. Each touchpoint should reinforce your key messages and build on the relationship you’re developing.

4. Content Strategy: Educating and Engaging Your Audience

Content is more than just words on a page—it’s a way to start a conversation, share your expertise, and build trust. But to do that effectively, you need to create content that resonates with your audience on a deeper level.

The Science:

Storytelling isn’t just for bedtime—it’s for business, too. We use stories to make complex solutions relatable and to connect with our audience on an emotional level.

We’re visual creatures. Our brains process images and videos much faster than text, which is why we use visuals to make our content more engaging and easier to understand.

Actionable Tip: Create a mix of content—from blog posts to webinars to videos—that educates and informs your audience while showcasing your expertise. Make sure it’s relevant to the specific challenges your target accounts are facing.

5. Social Engagement: Leveraging Networks and Influence

Social media isn’t just a place to share cat memes (though we love those too). It’s a powerful tool for building relationships and establishing your authority in your industry.

The Science:

By engaging with your target accounts on platforms like LinkedIn, you can build credibility through social proof. Whether it’s a comment on a post or a direct message, every interaction is an opportunity to build trust.

Actionable Tip: Don’t just broadcast—engage. Join industry groups, participate in discussions, and use social listening tools to keep your finger on the pulse of what matters to your prospects.

6. Event-Based Engagement: Creating Personal Connections

There’s something about face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) interactions that can’t be replicated in an email. Events give you the chance to connect on a personal level, build trust, and make a lasting impression.

The Science:

Different industries have different norms for business interactions. We must make sure we understand these norms so we can navigate events in a way that feels natural and authentic.

Humans are social animals. We’re wired to connect, and direct interactions—whether in person or via video—help us build stronger relationships.

Actionable Tip: Host or attend industry events, webinars, or roundtable discussions. Use these opportunities to engage directly with decision-makers and deepen the relationships you’ve been building.

7. Behavioral Triggers: Responding to Prospect Cues

Imagine you’re at a party, and you see someone glance at the drink table a few times. You know they’re interested in something over there, so you offer to grab them a drink. That’s what behavioral triggers are like in ABM—they give you cues about when to reach out.

The Science:

We track behavioral triggers like content downloads or website visits to understand when a prospect is ready to engage. Then, we reach out with the right message at the right time.

Actionable Tip: Set up automated alerts for key actions your prospects take. Use these alerts to time your outreach, ensuring it’s both relevant and timely.

8. Empathy-Driven Sales Conversations: Building Long-Term Relationships

Sales isn’t about pushing products—it’s about solving problems. And to do that, you need to understand your prospects, empathize with their challenges, and offer solutions that make their lives easier.

The Science:

We train our team to listen first and talk second. By focusing on empathy and active listening, we can build trust and show that we’re here to help, not just to sell.

Understanding the social structure of the target account helps us navigate the decision-making process. We tailor our approach to fit their hierarchy and ensure our message resonates with all stakeholders.

Actionable Tip: Use consultative selling techniques that prioritize the prospect’s needs. Focus on discovery calls that uncover challenges and offer solutions aligned with their goals.

9. Continuous Improvement: The Feedback Loop

Let’s face it—no campaign is perfect right out of the gate. That’s why we’re always looking for ways to improve. By gathering feedback and analyzing results, we can refine our approach and make each campaign better than the last.

The Science:

Feedback isn’t just about numbers—it’s about understanding the perspectives of all stakeholders. We use this feedback to refine our strategy and ensure we’re meeting the needs of our target accounts.

Actionable Tip: Don’t just set it and forget it. Use surveys, interviews, and direct feedback to continuously improve your messaging and tactics. Adapt your strategy based on the insights you gain from each campaign.

10. Follow-up and Relationship Building: Nurturing Long-Term Success

You’ve landed the client—congrats! But the work doesn’t stop there. Building a long-term relationship means staying engaged, providing value, and being there for your client every step of the way.

The Science:

We understand that B2B relationships are long-term commitments. That’s why we focus on consistent, value-driven communication to keep our clients feeling supported and valued.

We respect the decision-making processes of our clients and work within their timelines, providing ongoing support that aligns with their needs.

Actionable Tip: Keep the conversation going. Provide regular updates, share insights, and continue to offer value long after the deal is closed. This will help you stay top-of-mind and build a relationship that extends beyond the initial sale.


At Sauce Agency, we’re all about connecting with the right people in the right way. By combining the science of communication with a deep understanding of our clients’ needs, we create ABM campaigns that don’t just get attention—they get results.

Ready to see how a science-driven approach to ABM can work for you? Let’s chat! Book a risk-free Connect Call with a Certified Growth Guide today, and let’s start building the relationships that will take your business to the next level!